Schulman, Wiegmann and Associates

Certified Court Reporters dedicated to proudly serving the New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania Bars offering instant transcripts for trial and depositions through the cutting edge technology of RealTime
Certified Court Reporters
Realtime Testimony Delivery at Depositions and Trials
Realtime Testimony Delivery via the Internet
Electronic Transcripts ASCII, Word Perfect E-Transcript™
Abbreviated Transcripts in any format with Word Indexing
National and International Deposition Coverage
Conference Facilities Available
Software Training and Technical Support
Litigation Support Software Training Seminars
Legal Videographers New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania
Video Depositions of Medical and Technical Experts
A Day in the Life
Duplicating and Editing
Accident Scene Documentation and Investigation
Video Surveillance Services
Interpreters/ Foreign Language Specialists
Interpreters for Depositions
Difficult Dialects
Transcripts of Foreign Language Documents
Litigation Support and Trial Presentation of Evidence
Transcript Video Synchronization on CD/ROM
Document Scanning, Imaging and Coding
Creation of Computerized Evidence
Presentation for Trial and Deposition
Transcripts of Tape-Recorded Proceedings, Videotaped Trials and Depositions, CD/DVD and Digital Audio Files
Video Teleconferencing Facilities in New Jersey
30 minutes from Newark International Airport
Conference Facilities Available in Piscataway and arranged at Newark International Airport and Tri-State Area
216 Stelton Road, Suite C-1
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
Tel: 732.752.7800 Fax: 732.752.7166